New Album, "11:11"
Hi Everyone!
I wanted to assure you that since the release of "REFORM" in September 2008, I am diligently working on new material for the next full-length album, "11:11". It's a great new experience and challenge for me, since for the first time I have decided to incorporate digital synths and a computer-based sequencing program in my studio! Getting the hardware to talk to the software has been an anxious yet exciting experience, like aliens landing on a new planet for the first time, but so far all has been welcoming and full of new creative possibilites. I am indeed excited! So yes, all systems are GO!
I've also had a little time off over the holidays and decided to express myself in a few different formats just for the sake of it. I painted two matching postcards of mouse kings:
So that's where things stand at the moment. I've also introduced myself to another surprise collaborative project, I'll let you know how that goes.
Have a great 2009!!